MockingBird Method Scam?: Review

MockingBird Method Scam?: Review

MockingBird Method scam or perhaps “ScammingBird Method” is what they should have named this thing. We have reviewed plenty of reputable brokers and binary option trading services available to the public that are dedicated to advising newcomers to online binary option trading and providing them with the tools and information borne from years of experience to guide them to binary option trading success. And then there are the con artists: businesses offering access to their own proprietary software that automatically chooses binary option trades that are supposedly “guaranteed” to always payout and payout big. Like most offers that seem too good to be true, these people are making big promises that they cannot ever keep. With so many such businesses online, it may be hard to distinguish between honest trading services and those engaged in fraud, but there are plenty of clues you can spot to tell the difference. That’s how we caught Mockingbird Method in our review.
Binary option trades are designed to either payout a specific amount of money or nothing at all. This eliminate a lot of uncertainty when trading online and making them exceptionally attractive to beginning traders looking to make guaranteed money with little to no risk. Some types of binary options software, like forex robots or other types of auto-trading programs, can make a binary options trade for you automatically by scouting for ideal indicators of success, but there are few sure-fire trades made this way, just the best possible at any given time. That’s how shady companies like Mockingbird lure potential new traders in: by promising that their software can detect indicators that other software can’t and automatically select binary options trades that not only are guaranteed to payout, but payout in massive amounts in a short period of time. As anyone in the financial industry will tell you, that’s virtually impossible. But people still fall for it anyway, unless they notice discrepancies like the ones we noticed with Mockingbird Method outlined below.

Scam Marketing

Scam Marketing
The first clue that we noticed was that the spokesperson for Mockingbird, Daniel Marsland, is clearly a native of and addressing the audience from the UK and he begins with a sob story about his meager beginnings in the restaurant behind him. Then, he shows us his bank account statement to prove Mockingbird produces results. Two million dollars is quite impressive, until you realize it’s not two million pounds and the bank statement he shows us is from an American bank! And the amounts he makes reference to in the main page video switches from dollars to pounds as well!
Then, right there on their front page at is a half-dozen trader “testimonials” that are easy to expose as fake. A quick image search reveals these are just stock photos:

Another tip-off is their claim of a 92% win rate over 8,791 trades. Any trader will tell you not only is this highly unlikely, it’s fantastical and reeks of exaggeration. Its hard enough to break even when using binary options trading software, let along more than a 60% win rate. And they’re advertising 92%. They might as well say they can also catch leprechauns and their pots of gold if they want to make claims as crazy as 92%.
Then there is the live feed on the Mockingbird Method website. Supposedly, this is a continuous, unique list of clients currently winning on binary options trades and how much profit they’re making right now. Watch this “live” feed for a while and you’ll see this feed resets itself every five minutes. This isn’t actually a live feed of clients making payouts right now; it’s a manufactured list trying to present a facade of new, different traders who are currently getting winning payouts every minute.

Review: Slick But Shallow Website
This is not the only thing fishy on the Mockingbird website. It’s also full of inconsistencies and vague information. There is a dollar counter displaying the amount Mockingbird’s beta tester has made thus far, currently exceeding $283,000 dollars. Refresh the page and it goes back to 184,000 – the amount it first appeared when you first arrive at their homepage. This process repeats with the “Spots Left” widget.
Oh, and then there are the supposed beta testers who are nothing more than paid actors from Fiverr:

Then there’s the heavy sales pitch in the video, claiming their software is valued at over $ 1,000 dollars but if you’re one of the 50 people who signs up right now, it’s free (hence the “Spots Left” widget). Other inconsistencies with this video include the spokesperson first saying it’s available only in the UK, then later on saying that it’s just now available in Great Britain. Then there’s the detail of the car behind him, the one with a white license plate (UK license plates are yellow). The video is only available at their homepage, there is no other links to anywhere else on the site to explain how this software works or by what mechanism it presents trades that are guaranteed wins, and the only icon you can click on is for one of the 50 or fewer spots “still left.”
Their video is full of it alright

We see plenty of testimonials of people giving a Mockingbird Method review that use stock photos meant to represent actual clients and their stories of success, followed by the amounts they’ve supposedly made from their winning trades. And it’s quite suspicious that they all started using this software only a few months ago. Shouldn’t a more reliable service present examples from long-term clients rather than those who just now are making money? The vagueness, the inconsistent details presented here, the lack of any background information and the hard-to-follow video all point to a company trying to present a image of instant success and create a false sense of urgency attempting to convince you that you need to reserve a spot right now before you miss your chance. The only chance you are passing up, it seems, is the chance to get fooled.

This is a shame, since there are plenty of auto-trading and binary options trading software services that actually are sincere in their wish to guide you to success via trading software and make more realistic sales pitches as to the amount of payout and their win rate. These companies offer education, training, background information and even a broker bonus or two to help you made the best binary options trades possible. The only thing Mockingbird Method offers is an opportunity to be the next to fall for their latest scam.
If you want to explore binary options robots that actually work, see our reviews for Virtnext and Dow Jones Focus Group. Many of our users have reported great results with these.