My 12 Best Penny Stocks Tips

My 12 Best Penny Stocks Tips

Sometimes people unfamiliar with Penny Stocks and how they actually work will avoid the best penny stocks because of fear, prejudice or because they have believed lies.  Remember that some very major companies were started in dorm rooms, garages or basements.  Can you imagine how you’d feel if you missed buying the next Dell, Apple, or Google?

Those companies were small once.  Just because they were small didn’t mean they were scams, frauds or “pump and dump” operations.

Penny And A Graph 300x225 My 12 Best Penny Stocks Tips


There Are Fabulous Money Making Opportunities In Penny Stocks

There are many fabulous opportunities everywhere among the penny stock ranks that some investors and traders could retire on if they would just follow many of the same rules that make them successful in the large-cap, mid-cap and small-cap markets.  The stocks are just smaller.

And, in fact, many of them are better managed than their larger cousins.  They’d be out of business in no time flat if they engaged in some of the absurdities that larger companies will sometimes allow simply because they have a lot of cash.

 Tips Penny Stocks

That said, here’s my list of my 12 Best Penny Stocks Tips.

  1. If you can’t easily find information on a penny stock company, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER buy the stock.
  2. Make a “watch list” based upon the stock’s volume, fiscal stability, and good marketplace opportunity and positioning.
  3. Unless you subscribe to a service that you trust like Penny Stock Prophet, never buy anything that isn’t in your watch list.
  4. Always research the position that you want to take fully or outsource it through a service like Penny Stock Prophet.  The stock you are thinking of buying must always be financially sound, well managed and “have prospects.”
  5. If you are an investor (not a trader) and like the company’s prospects consider buying shares from the company’s treasury if it is legal to do so in your country and state.  You may save the commissions and, if you buy enough shares, they may sell them to you at a discount if it is legal for them to do so.
  6. Always make sure that there is a reason for the stock to move in the immediate future such as pending or realized news, significantly improved financials, a recent positive like a new, major contract or a string of new contracts that indicate a positive change in the company’s sales effort, etc.
  7. Unless you are using an advisory service that is recommending a position, only buy after a technical correction.  Never buy after a correction that is caused by a negative shift in the company’s fundamentals.
  8. Never enter a position when the momentum has evaporated.  I suggest you review literature on the subject.
  9. Always get out immediately if the value of your position is less than what the position cost without commissions.
  10. Always enter a trade knowing where you are going to get out.
  11. For every position you enter, ALWAYS put in stop loss order and an exit point sell order.
  12. Finally, if you buy a penny stock, never ignore your stock.  Revisit its reports and news on a regular, frequent basis or whenever is appropriate in your world.

It is possible to invest in penny stocks.  That’s pretty much what venture capitalists do and they usually make a ton of Moolah.  They just have extremely strict rules about what they will and won’t back.  Study what they do.

Myself?  I’m a trader.  That’s my psychology.  I’ve learned to stay with my personal style.  I think you should too.

Thanks for reading today’s post “My 12 Best Penny Stocks Tips.”

Go, Make a Fortune,


P.S.  Oops, I almost forgot.

If you will sign up for the Life-Time Membership in Penny Stock Prophet, I’ll give you a copy of my bonus package.  Here’s what’s in it and how you can get it.

I’m giving my bonus package to you as a thank you for buying your membership in Penny Stock Prophet. I really want to help you make a fortune by empowering you to trade the best penny stocks like a professional.

I created my Penny Stock Prophet Success bonus package myself. I personally wrote everything in it based upon my over 30 years of experience trading and investing in the financial markets and I will give it to you for free when you purchase your personal lifetime membership in Penny Stock Prophet using my link (see Step #1 below to find out how to make sure it’s my link).

And, even if, after you try Penny Stock Prophet, you decide that it isn’t for you, my bonus gift is still yours with my thanks for giving it a try!

The bonuses that I’ve come up with are designed to help you make the right decisions about your investments and trades based upon your membership in Penny Stock Prophet or similar service.

My first bonus is specifically for newbies. I came up with this 10-page Penny Stock, laser-targeted penny stock focused e-book to help.

Bonus #1 – 5 Essential Questions about Penny Stocks e-Book

Many traditional investors just plain don’t understand the ins and outs of penny stocks. This compact e-book answers the following 5 questions that many, if not all, investors new to the penny stock markets and trading will probably have:

  1. “What Is Penny Stock Investing?”
  2. “Can You Really Get Rich Using Penny Stock Investing Strategies?”
  3. “What Makes a Penny Stock Attractive?”
  4. “Do Low Prices Mean Low Risks with Penny Stock Investing?”
  5. “When Should I Cash Out on My Penny Stock Investment?”

Don’t let the small size of this e-Book fool you! There is no fluff. This is an essential introductory e-book… Don’t let it slip through your fingers…

Bonus #2 – “The 3-R’s of Stock Market Investing.” An’ they ain’t “Reedin’, ‘Ritin’ nor ‘Ritmetic”… It’s short and sweet… Maybe the most important freebie that you’ll ever get.

Bonus #3 – My 3-part article series “How to Use Penny Stock Prophet To Make More Money!” as a single, easy-to-read PDF. Discover WHY I think that Penny Stocks are a great way to go and how I think you should use the Penny Stock Prophet’s information to make money.

It’s delivered via e-Mail right to your door step, so to speak, just as soon as I get a copy of your ClickBank receipt in my inbox (see below).

Okay.  So, if you are ready to order your membership in Penny Stock Prophet and want your bonus package… Now what?

It’s simple… In order to receive your bonus package all you need to do is this (takes less than 60 seconds):

Step #1: Buy your membership in Penny Stock Prophet using the link below. Remember to make sure that at the bottom of your ClickBank Order Page it says [Affiliate = alfonzoz01]; alfonzoz01 is my ClickBank affiliate ID for this offer.

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I know that it can be intimidating and maybe a bit frightening to order something on the internet, especially if you don’t buy online very often.

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