Speculating on the Penny Stock Market

Speculating on the Penny Stock Market

Speculating on the penny stock market is a tricky business to get into. You need to be witty and be able to think critically. Speculation is not just guessing which way a stock is going to go. It involves a long process of research and data processing. To be able to tell whether a stock price will rise, especially in the penny market, is a hard task to do. It is not a sure thing and can cause you to lose money, but at the same time, you can make a lot.

The first thing that you need to know about speculation is that there are some things that you can only learn through experience. When you lose money in the market, you need to think about what you did wrong, and make sure that you do not make the same mistake twice. These “lessons” may cost you, but the knowledge that they can provide to you is endless and very important. When you first start out, it could be a good idea to watch certain stocks and predict which way they will go and why. This involves no risk and you can learn a few lessons. You will also find out how good you are at speculating penny stocks. If you choose to do this, then you cannot just do it for a short period of time. In order to be accurate in seeing how good you are, you must keep it up for a while and then see how many times you were wrong. Each of these times could have been you losing a lot of money.

Another thing that you need to know when speculating penny stocks is that they are affected by outside factors. You can’t just assume that a penny stock will repeat its history over and over. With the stock market, history does not always repeat itself. There could be a new press release, news about the company, bad reports filed, and simple pumping of a stock. You need to always keep yourself up to date with the recent news of the stock you may be watching. The news will have a great effect on the price of the stock and should change how you speculate its next move.


When day trading with penny stocks, speculation is an important factor. You need to be able to be quick with your thinking and be able to process a lot of different factors at once. You must watch the news and react to it the second that the word is out. You need to analyze the stock price and see if the price that you are paying is fair. You will even need to look into whether the stock is being pumped or promoted. These are just some of the factors that you need to consider in a penny stock when day trading.

Penny stocks are generally fast paced and speculation may be a different process then with higher priced stocks. It is important to look at the company statistics, but what you will need to worry about even more are the news reports. These can make a penny stock price fly in either direction whether the company is amazing, or terrible.
It is also important to look at the recent chatter about the stock. When looking at posts and comments, a lot of it will be nonsense. People will always be making up thinks to bring the price up and drive it down. You are not looking for an individual comment here though; you are looking for what the people in general are thinking of the stock. It is basically like taking a survey to see whether people are feeling positive, or negative about the stock.

Speculating on the penny stock market involves a lot of different factors that you need to analyze. When looking at the stock price, you must look into the history of the stock. The best way to do this is to look at a chart. On the chart, you may see the stock price either shoot up or down. You should then check what caused it to do that. You can then see how people react to certain types of news. It is also a good way to see whether the price of the stock is at a good value or not. Volume is another thing to take into consideration. A stock with a high volume may be a more actively traded stock and those are the best ones to look into. A high volume can give you the ability to trade the stock frequently and not worry about whether or not you will be able to sell the stock.

The art of speculation involves a lot of comparisons. You must be able to compare one stock with another. You need to also use a lot of strategy and must understand how the minds of people work. The stocks that are being traded are all being traded by people just like you. They are all flawed in some way and some may not know what they are doing. You need to take advantage of this by being the smart one in the group. When somebody loses money in the market, somebody else is making money. When speculating stock prices, you need to think with a more technical and less emotional mind. This will be what keeps you apart from the others.

When you are emotionally invested in a stock, you make mistakes. You can’t think as critically and will keep a stock without even knowing why when you should be selling it. This is something that cannot happen with penny stocks. These move extremely fast and it is very bad to get stuck holding one. When you release your emotional attachment to a stock, you will be able to think and speculate more critically and can make better decisions.

Speculating the penny stock market is hard to do, but it can be very beneficial to you if you know what you are doing. You just need to take it one step at a time, have patience, and learn from your mistakes. It is not about being right all of the time, but it is about being right when it counts.